Gram Panchayat Computer Operator Bharti 2022


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Uttar Pradesh Gram Panchayat Computer Operator Bharti and Computer Assistant Recruitment Process has started as we tell you that Uttar Pradesh Government has decided to deploy one Computer Assistant and one Computer Operator in all Gram Panchayats and Secretariat of Uttar Pradesh. For this, the Uttar Pradesh government, while discussing it in its Council of Ministers, has issued instructions to complete this recruitment in the coming six months.

So if you also want to be employed as a computer operator in your Gram Panchayat and want to get employment, then read the post given below carefully for complete information about how to apply for it, how much it will be salary and how its selection process will be done.

Gram Panchayat Computer Operator Bharti Headlines

Name of the PostPanchayat Sahayak, computer operator, data entry operator | Gram Panchayat computer operator Bharti
Salary6000 Rupay Approximate
Official Website

What is Uttar Pradesh Gram Panchayat Computer

Uttar Pradesh government has decided to recruit computer operators and assistants for the work to be done in all the gram panchayats or for data entry in the secretariat because no one has yet to do the work of the panchayat. Even the computer operator was not selected, for this the Panchayat works were stalled or they were taking too much time to complete.

At the same time, the people of the panchayat or the beneficiaries could not get the benefit of the government scheme because there was no application from the panchayat. It has been decided that if you want to be working on the post of Computer Operator or Assistant in your Gram Panchayat, then you should have some essential qualifications, whose information is given below.

Uttar Pradesh Panchayat Computer Operator Bhari New Form

A new application form has arrived for Uttar Pradesh Panchayat Assistant Computer Operator Recruitment, if you want to apply online for Uttar Pradesh Panchayat Assistant Computer Operator Recruitment, then for this you have to download the new application form given above, after that, you can apply for this application form. You have to fill it up and submit it to your Panchayat.

Panchayat Computer Operator Bharti Form Download

UP Panchayat Sahayak Avedan Form gram panchayat computer operator bharti

Gram Panchayat Computer Operator Bharti 2021

Rural secretariat will be set up in all Gram Panchayats or Gram Panchayat offices in the state of Uttar Pradesh and one computer assistant and one computer operator will be kept in each village secretariat, this information was given by Chief Minister Shri Adityanath Yogi in the meeting of ministers held in Lok Bhavan. The decision was taken. The government headed by Chief Minister Adityanath has fixed 6 months to complete this process.

How many operators will be recruited in Panchayat

According to the information received by the government, it has been told that 58189 panchayat assistants and data entry operators will be deployed in the gram panchayat, which will create employment opportunities and the people of the panchayat will get the opportunity to work, which will reduce unemployment. It has been decided to pay about ₹ 6000 per month, the government has told that for 58189 gram panchayats, the posts of about 16000 gram panchayat officers and village development officers are created and only 10000 employees are working here, so no work can be done. It takes a long time to happen

up gram gram panchayat computer operator bharti

Why computer assistant is being recruited in Panchayat?

It has been told by the government that Panchayat plays an important role in the state and it is going to happen for the first time that rural secretariat will be established in every Panchayat and 58189 computer operators and assistants will be deployed in these Gram Panchayats as It has been told that Panchayati Raj system is the most important link but till now no computer operator assistant has been deployed in any Panchayat to provide help to the people of Panchayat, this is the first time in this scheme by Chief Minister Adityanath Yogi ji. Computer Assistant This operator will be recruited so that the people of rural panchayat will be able to get the benefits of all kinds of government schemes directly.

Gram Panchayat computer operator Salary?

Advertisement has been issued by the Government of Uttar Pradesh for the recruitment of Computer Operator and Computer Assistant in every Gram Panchayat. These computer operators will do data entry and computer work by sitting in the secretariat.

Gram Panchayat Computer Operator Bharti Recruitment Required Documents

  • आधार कार्ड
  • पहचान पत्र
  • पासपोर्ट साइज फोटो
  • राशन कार्ड
  • हाई स्कूल और इंटरमीडिएट की अंत पत्रिका
  • कंप्यूटर का प्रमाण पत्र

Gram Panchayat Computer Operator Form Apply

The recruitment process of Gram Panchayat Computer Operator Bharti and Secretariat Computer Operator Assistant has been kept offline, for this you have to fill the application and submit it to the Panchayat Office or District Panchayat Raj Officer Office. Applications will be invited from July 28 to July 30 and the date of submission of application has been fixed from July 31 to August 14, in which all the candidates have to fill the application and submit it to the District Panchayat Office or the Gram Panchayat Revenue Officer. They will be selected on the basis.

Gram Panchayat computer operator Bharti


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